What is a Dental Crown?

What is a Dental Crown

A dental crown covers a broken tooth to restore the tooth-like appearance and function. The number of tooth structures will determine the type of crown you need. The crown is suitable for worn or chipped teeth and has a wide cavity for filling. Another need for a crown is for a root canal.

Types of dental crowns

  • Temporary crown

This type of crown is only used temporarily. The crown is fixed with gum to your damaged tooth but can easily be removed when needed. This procedure is done in expectation of the permanent crown.

The permanent crow is usually fixed on your tooth after the temporary crown is removed. When the temporary one is removed, the tooth will be cleaned before the permanent one is set.

  • One-day crown

The one-day crown procedure is done on a single visit to the dentist. Some dental offices use modern technology such as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to ensure the process is fast and done effectively in a day. The office takes a measure of your tooth and then forges a crown from ceramic in the office that permanently fits your tooth.

  • Onlay or 3/4 crown

The onlay or ¾ crown is used fixed on some part of the tooth. That case is for patients with a half tooth and intends to cover only the missing half. The dentist will recommend the onlay or ¾ crown for you.

What are dental crowns made of?

Crowns are forged from different materials such as:

  • Metal: Metal crowns are forged from gold, nickel, chromium, or palladium. These crowns are long-lasting, hard to wear out, and only a part of your tooth is chipped. The crown can be used to bite and chew food, but its flaw is the metallic color that makes them fit for the hidden molars.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal: these crowns are identical to the original tooth color. Another disadvantage is that the wear and tear of this crown can affect the closer tooth and the opposite tooth. However, the metal contents dent the tooth as a dark line, and the crown can easily break or wear off. These crowns are best for front or back teeth.
  • All-resin: these crowns are fully forged from resin and are cheap to obtain compared to other types of crowns. All-resin crowns are thorny but eventually chip or wear off with time, unlike porcelain-fused-to-metal.
  • All-ceramic or all-porcelain: these crowns have the best tooth-like color compared to most crown types. They have a natural color that matches the set of teeth and are also best for allergies. However, the all-ceramic or all-porcelain are not well-built and can easily face wear and tear. Even though they are weaker than the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, they also cause damage to the upper or lower or closer tooth more than the latter. These crowns are suitable for the front teeth.
  • Pressed ceramic: these crowns are fortified with a solid inner core. They are a substitute for metal liners used in forging all-ceramic crowns. When combined with porcelain, they emit the best teeth-like color match. They don’t wear out quickly.

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